It’s Thursday Already? Carpenter Afternoon Hang-Out

Maybe it's just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There's almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn't there. If you're Jest or The Pauls fan, it's a

DFO does 1957

From the game thread on Sunday between the 49'ers and the Lions, many, many jokes and/or comments were made about how long it's been since the Lions had won a road playoff game, mainly lead by our esteemed Dok. So instead of putting them into a massive comments post, I've

Your Thursday “Asleep-At-the-Switch” Carpenter Thread

Ahoy-yoy!   I realized I never did a Stillers bye week report, but who cares. They're 7-6, will never beat the Patriots in any meaningful way, the offensive is broken to hell, and are somehow in currenth #6th seed. Tomlin Voodoo is real, ya'll. Just accept this. This season has been so

Balls’ History Of The World: Part 1

Before we get started, I feel we need an appropriate intro: This post came about because this YouTube video popped up on my feed: I got interested and then went down a rabbit hole that has led to this post. I found that I disagree with the YouTube video. It appears to

The Cozy Simplicity of Crises: a Wednesday Motivational

Let’s assume, just for a moment, that you are impatient or neurotic (quite a stretch, oh yeah). Imagine you are hungry and you extend an invitation to a friend or loved one for grabbing a bite wherever. And the very worst thing possible happens: “I dunno. Where do you want to

Luv Ya

tWBS died a year ago. It’s still shocking because tWBS was so alive—combative, emphatic, warm... He could take any Russian in a freezer vodka contest, an evening equally likely to end in a hugfest or duking it out with strangers. He was a personable devil and a great friend. tWBS

Dok Zymm – International Woman of Mystery – Chapter 1

Author's Note: This series of posts is borne out of my firm belief that Commentist Dok Zymm is actually a secret agent for a nefarious secret agency currently unknown to the general public or even Congress. Her current job serves as a perfect cover to gather intelligence while her

Your “Sequels Are Never As Good” Tuesday Evening Open Thread

NFL Nuggets: What Florio is already calling "Spygate 2" (Electric Boogaloo) involves the Patriots "Not the football operation" film crew filming the Bengals sideline for eight solid minutes from the press box. Belichick claims no involvement in the affair: "I'm really focused on getting ready for the Bengals here." "We're

AFL Beat – Special Edition – Your 2019 Sir Doug Nicholls Indigenous Round Guernseys

This is my favourite "theme" Round that the AFL does to promote a cause or honor a group of people.  In this case, it is Sir Doug Nicholls, a pioneer in advocating for Aboriginal people's rights in Australia. You can read last year's post to discover about the man and

[DFO] History Corner Presents: The Grand Canyon

February 26, 1919 - The Grand Canyon Becomes A National Park First afforded Federal protection in 1893 as a Forest Reserve and later as a National Monument in 1908, Grand Canyon did not achieve National Park status until 1919, three years after the creation of the National Park Service in 1916,