Maybe it's just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There's almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn't there. If you're Jest or The Pauls fan, it's a
Fake Press Conferences
Breaking News: Wakezilla signs with the Miami Dolphins! (Your Miami Dolphins Preview)
Orchids of Asia Day Spa Report Context
TALES FROM THE METEOR! – A Case of Mistaken Identity
Vikings Coach Mike Zimmer Faces the Music and Dances
Despite Worrying Preseason, Mike Zimmer ‘Cautiously Optimistic’ in Press Conference
Minnesota Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer did not conduct a press conference on Tuesday in which he attempted to sound a note of optimism after what has been a disappointing performance by Minnesota's starters in the preseason. "I think we have reason to feel good," said Zimmer, despite the evidence of
Your “All About That (In)Action, Boss!”” Monday Evening Open Thread
New DFO Addition!
We at DFO are incredibly pleased to have scored a major coup! We've been working hard to give you the best #content on the NFL, cooking, and anal sex this side of the Internet and we are proud to present to you the newest member of our team. It was
Celebrity Superb Owl Picks: Sean Spicer
COWARDLY MEDIA WHORE TRADING JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY FOR ACCESS: Good evening, and welcome to CNN. Tonight, we turn to a somewhat lighter topic than normal: picking the winner of the upcoming Super Bowl. With us tonight is professional faux-liberal doormat Alan Colmes... COLMES: Thank you. I'm just so happy to be... WHORE: And
Chip Kelly Calls a Press Conference
A Breaking Announcement
Now, I could be down in Pittsburgh with the Yinzbergians. ::Crown Groans:: Or giving a stump speech in Cincinnati, oh-Hi-Oh. ::Crowd Groans Louder:: I've even been approached to come down to give a speech and...AND...accept the key to the city, from the people of CLEVELAND. ::Crowd Boos:: Because they think that, just because they vote before you, that