By Popular Demand: College Football Realignment

Welcome to a new series in which I take your post ideas and run with them. Today's topic: College Football Realignment. I am nothing if not a people pleaser.  Due to popular demand (yes, Blax is popular!), I am presenting you with my HOT TAEK on college football realignment. As I was prepping

A Thursday Afternoon Carpenter Existential Experience!

Greetings, hola, guten tag, ni how, and yadda yadda. I swear the month of February exists only to mess with people's sense of time, space, and perception. 2024 is already six weeks old, we never really had winter in Yinzburgh, and I can't tell if the days are getting longer (sort

Your “How the Hell Is it Mardi Gras?” Open Night Chatty-Chat

Seriously. T-Swift can'y even stand yet after post-Owl celebrations her and Travis have been doing, and it's friggin' Lent tomorrow. On Valentine's Day! Anyway, it's Mardi Gras tonight, so NAWLINS had to have been weirder than normal this past weekend/week. I'm grew up Catholic, and now generously describe myself as "lapsed" at

YOUR 2024 AVN Awards Winners! (And Open Thread)

Last time, I presented to you the list of nominees along with my picks for the winners. It's time to find out how well I did. I don't want this post to be War and Peace long, so I'll simply recap my pick, announce the winner, and provide commentary and a

Ballsy’s Mock Draft for 2024

Do not worry. I am not treading on Horatio's turf. I do enough of that with my AVN Awards prediction post. You will get no insights into which player each team is picking beyond me telling you that the Commanders are getting yet another disappointing USC QB and the Steelers will

Random Night Open Thread – for a rainy day Part Deux


Turns out today is LITERALLY a Rainy Day here in LA. Who knew? As the fallout from yesterday's games is coming through, here are a few things to note: *** Jason Kelce is the better Kelce brother. He's a big adorable teddy bear, has a hot wife, and is incredibly funny. It's really

Your Yinzer/Wing How Did We Get Here Playoff Afternoon Thread

  Well... For the life of me, I still cannot piece together this season. We saw QB2s all the way to QB102, all of which were still better than Uncle Jack Pickett, Kissin' Tittay Truthbisket, and especially MILF Hunter Z. As always, our pugilist, law-talkin' aquatic mammal's write up about the weekend's

“IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLL….” – When Smackdown Comes to Town

Hi everyone, It's your old pal Beerguy with another one of his tales of wonderment & whimsy. Now, it's no secret that I enjoy the professional graps. When I was a kid & my mom had to work on the weekend, my dad thought nothing of driving me across town and dumping

YOUR 2024 AVN Awards Nominees

Yes, it's that time of year again! My, how time flies! This year, the awards are being held at Resorts World in lovely Las Vegas, Nevada on Saturday, January 27 at 9 PM. You can buy tickets here. Tickets start at $168, which is amazing considering the face value of my ticket

Wednesday Motivational: Xmas Music Special

Hello hello. Happy Holidays, which I wish earnestly. Not everybody celebrates Christmas, but nobody is clear from its tornado of consumerism and reliculous traditions. Stores get crowded, traffic gets worse and everywhere you go, there it is, again: Xmas music, melodious browbeating of JESUS, BUY, CHRIST, PAY, LORD and so

Your Thursday “Asleep-At-the-Switch” Carpenter Thread

Ahoy-yoy!   I realized I never did a Stillers bye week report, but who cares. They're 7-6, will never beat the Patriots in any meaningful way, the offensive is broken to hell, and are somehow in currenth #6th seed. Tomlin Voodoo is real, ya'll. Just accept this. This season has been so