Sunday Gravy with yeah right and DJ Taj: We Ate it so you don’t have to. KFC’s Chizza!

Good morning and welcome to the lab! At the suggestion of our own Litre Cola, brother DJ TAJ and I decided, "Well why the fuck not?" and we ordered and consumed the new menu offering from KFC. The "Chizza."  Pronounced "Cheat-za" this, uh thing, is another in a long line of "gimmick" foods

A Thursday Afternoon Carpenter Existential Experience!

Greetings, hola, guten tag, ni how, and yadda yadda. I swear the month of February exists only to mess with people's sense of time, space, and perception. 2024 is already six weeks old, we never really had winter in Yinzburgh, and I can't tell if the days are getting longer (sort

Your “How the Hell Is it Mardi Gras?” Open Night Chatty-Chat

Seriously. T-Swift can'y even stand yet after post-Owl celebrations her and Travis have been doing, and it's friggin' Lent tomorrow. On Valentine's Day! Anyway, it's Mardi Gras tonight, so NAWLINS had to have been weirder than normal this past weekend/week. I'm grew up Catholic, and now generously describe myself as "lapsed" at

Your Yinzer/Wing How Did We Get Here Playoff Afternoon Thread

  Well... For the life of me, I still cannot piece together this season. We saw QB2s all the way to QB102, all of which were still better than Uncle Jack Pickett, Kissin' Tittay Truthbisket, and especially MILF Hunter Z. As always, our pugilist, law-talkin' aquatic mammal's write up about the weekend's

The Education Continues in the Dallas Cowboys QB Room

Interior Dallas Cowboys practice facility in Frisco Texas. Enter Offensive Coordinator Kellen Moore:  Kellen Moore: "Hey Scott! How we doing today?" Enter Scott Tolzein QB coach Scott Tolzein: "Hey Coach K! Everything is going good. Ready to kick some ass in practice today." KM: "Damn good to hear. We're getting down to nut cutting time

Your Thursday “Asleep-At-the-Switch” Carpenter Thread

Ahoy-yoy!   I realized I never did a Stillers bye week report, but who cares. They're 7-6, will never beat the Patriots in any meaningful way, the offensive is broken to hell, and are somehow in currenth #6th seed. Tomlin Voodoo is real, ya'll. Just accept this. This season has been so

Ballsy’s Cocktail of the Week: Filling in the Mexican Way…

As y'all may know, Sharky is out in our nation's Island State enjoying the sunshine, ocean, and resort drinks. While he's out there living life right with the Shark Clan, I thought I would step in with a Mexican drink you may or may not have heard of. It's easily

Expectations or maybe I just need another beer: New Orleans Saints bye week update

Start here... What is expectation?  A dream, an illusion? A stone dead goddamn lie? When you expect something to happen, it never does. Expectations are like you're imagining something, I will be happy, I will be pretty.  Knowing full well that nothing, Nothing, ever goes as planned. Expectation implies envisioning your lottery dream,