It’s Thursday Already? Carpenter Afternoon Hang-Out

Maybe it's just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There's almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn't there. If you're Jest or The Pauls fan, it's a

Dante Hicks Tribute Carpenter Jorb

Allegheny County 9-1-1, what's the address--- oh, so(u)rry. Force of habit and whatnot. Actually, if yinz didn't know, there's a pre-recorded bump of that message so we don't shred our vocal chords repeating it dozens of times a day. There are many other phrases we repeat dozens of times of day

Your mid-Wednesday Carpenter Jorb

I'm taking it upon meself to throw this up. I would have earlier, but I was dealing with a litany of... Yinzerness. Plus, I can't use this is side of DFO at the PSAP. Also, we bottomed out (heh heh "bottomed out" huh huh) at -9 degrees MURICKAN this morning. Anyway,

Random Carpenterin’ Wednesday

‘Sup. I’m on plane in Panamá City to San Juan, PR after a 10-day vacay in Bogotá. It. Was. Awesome. Did I have coca tea? Sí. Was it good? ¡Oh sí! And necessary; Bogotá’s altitude is a motherfucker for olding basterds like 🎶Meeee🎶. Check out the water traffic from BOG to

The Voodoo He Do So Well: 2024 Stillers What-Have-You

Yinz already know I'm going through the "life transition," and whatever. I'll take my D- on this, and be happy not be exiled to Lowratio's outhouse for a fortnight. Between my work computer not having access to funny gifs, and my home computer is suddenly quite ill, on top of everything...

Memorial Day Evening Open Thread – Warhammer Style

Normal disclaimer:  if it has to do with Warhammer in any way, Games Workshop owns it.  So do not give your kid a name from any of the lore or books.  Unless you are really annoyed at the kid. Today is Memorial Day when we give thanks and honor our fine

Monday Open Thread – Not Warhammer but still cromulent!

Note: Warhammer40k and all Warhammer properties, ideas, pictures, and fiction all belong to Games Workshop. I was going to do a write up of the Chaos Titans of the Dark Mechanicum, which I will definitely do in the future, but I started looking to see if Slannesh had any in their

Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: They Can’t All Be Winners

Both regarding this being a bit of a Carpenter-job and my Monday night. Some gigs are nice. Easy amount of time, little work, get paid okay. Others are less so. Like playing in a heated tent, but the top's been cut out (in February), and then being under a vent

Your “How the Hell Is it Mardi Gras?” Open Night Chatty-Chat

Seriously. T-Swift can'y even stand yet after post-Owl celebrations her and Travis have been doing, and it's friggin' Lent tomorrow. On Valentine's Day! Anyway, it's Mardi Gras tonight, so NAWLINS had to have been weirder than normal this past weekend/week. I'm grew up Catholic, and now generously describe myself as "lapsed" at

Your Thursday “Asleep-At-the-Switch” Carpenter Thread

Ahoy-yoy!   I realized I never did a Stillers bye week report, but who cares. They're 7-6, will never beat the Patriots in any meaningful way, the offensive is broken to hell, and are somehow in currenth #6th seed. Tomlin Voodoo is real, ya'll. Just accept this. This season has been so