Maybe it's just me, but the week immediately after the Superb Owl always tend to drag a little. There's almost a sense of dread, the looming off-season is now officially here, and the build-up for the game this week isn't there. If you're Jest or The Pauls fan, it's a
Karen Carpenter job
Dante Hicks Tribute Carpenter Jorb
Your mid-Wednesday Carpenter Jorb
Random Carpenterin’ Wednesday
The Voodoo He Do So Well: 2024 Stillers What-Have-You
Yinz already know I'm going through the "life transition," and whatever. I'll take my D- on this, and be happy not be exiled to Lowratio's outhouse for a fortnight. Between my work computer not having access to funny gifs, and my home computer is suddenly quite ill, on top of everything...
Memorial Day Evening Open Thread – Warhammer Style
Monday Open Thread – Not Warhammer but still cromulent!
Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: They Can’t All Be Winners
Your “How the Hell Is it Mardi Gras?” Open Night Chatty-Chat
Seriously. T-Swift can'y even stand yet after post-Owl celebrations her and Travis have been doing, and it's friggin' Lent tomorrow. On Valentine's Day! Anyway, it's Mardi Gras tonight, so NAWLINS had to have been weirder than normal this past weekend/week. I'm grew up Catholic, and now generously describe myself as "lapsed" at